At last. It's taken me a while to find a cafe where I could use my laptop to upload these. We really just have a sample, there are many more than what we're putting up now.
Here's the three of us on the steps in front of what used to be the Royal Hospital at Kilmainham in Dublin. Now it's the Irish Museum of Modern Art.
Here's a view of the hospital from the immaculate gardens on the grounds. Erin says, "Look at that blue sky!" Serisouly, we had perfect weather for the Dublin leg.
This is the GPO, or General Post Office. It was pretty well destroyed during the 1916 rising. Erin was lucky enough to get a shot of it without the view being blocked by buses.
This is one of the lookout towers at the Clonnmacnoise Monastary, near Athlone in the west. They have several of the High Crosses that carried engravings based on scripture.
Erin and mum went for a walk on the beach in Roundstone once we got settled into Atlantic House. This boat was sitting on the beach in Dogs Bay, just over the hill from where we were staying.
I don't really know when the next time we can update will be, but we'll keep trying whenever we have the time. Driving in Ireland has proven to be an adventure all it's own, and today (saturday) is the first day that it's really rained on us, so the weather's been grand. Until next time.
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